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What brand name water systems do you carry?Since we are unlike big-box stores we do not carry a brand of water equipment other than Wolverine's own brand. We custom build all of our own water equiment in our warehouse in Burton, MI. Our first step is to test your water and find out exactly what water equipment you need and how it needs to be built to treat your water.
I have a water softener, why do I still get rust stains?"Hard water (calcium deposits) and Iron (Rust) are two completely separate issues. Many basic water softeners are not capable of handling elevated iron levels found in Michigan. Usually with high levels of iron a iron filtration system is needed along with a water softener to protect the softener and remove all of the iron from the home.
What do I need to fix my water problems?First, have your water tested to find out what you need. Water conditions such as hardness levels, iron content, presence of sulfur (rotter egg smell) and arsenic can vary. One size or style does not fit all. If a company gives you prices over the phone before analyzing your water conditions, be leery of their intentions and qualifications for your problems. If you have any of these water issues, question or concerns about the quality of the water in your home, please contact us at Wolverine Water Treatment for a free home water analysis and recommendation. Wolverine Water Treatment is a leader in Water Treatment and Softening Technology, specializing in rust and sulfur removal.
What type of salt should I use in my water softener?Wolverine recommends Dura-Cube brand sale for the highest efficiency and performance. Other salts bought at home imporvement stores have an adhesive in them and over time will break down and clog the parts inside a water softener.
I have a water softener, why does my water smell like rotten eggs?"Hydrogen Sulfide (H25) (Sulfur) (Rotten Egg Smell) is a natural gas found in well water all across the state of Michigan and will not be removed with a water softener. In fact, it can have a negative effect on how well your water softener works and shorten it expected life span
My neighbors have soft water, Does this mean my water will be the same?"Most people think that their water will be the same as their neighbors but this isn't always the case. Every house has different water condtions and water is constantly changing. We recommend getting your water tested as least once a year to make sure your water is safe to drink and use.
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